I think I’ve been scammed, what do I do?

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If you think you’ve been scammed by someone mimicking Prezzee, or your accounts or financial details have been compromised, here’s what you should do.  

Immediately contact your bank, have a hold put on your credit or debit card, and have the charge disputed. (if it was jeopardised, report the scam to the ACCC’s Scamwatch, and let a member of the Prezzee Customer Care know by contacting help@prezzee.com.


If you think you’ve clicked on a malicious link but haven’t directly handed any details over, you should:
1. Reset all your passwords on a different device
2. Install antivirus software from a trusted source
3. Turn on spam filtering
4. Alert Prezzee Customer Care by filling out this form if you think your Prezzee Account may be compromised. 


If you suspect that someone knows your username and password, change your password immediately. If you can’t sign-in, contact Prezzee Customer Care immediately via email and we’ll help you secure your account.
Please ensure you are detailed in your email and include the mobile number linked to your Prezzee Account.

If you’re not sure whether it was us who contacted you, contact our Customer Care by filling out this form and report what happened.


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