How do I redeem my Bunnings Warehouse Card?

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See below on how to redeem your Bunnings Warehouse card! 


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How to Redeem and Use your Bunnings Warehouse Card

  1. Hooray! You’ve received a Bunnings Warehouse gift card from Prezzee via Email or SMS, click the link.
  2. Unwrap your gift!
  3. Click “Save your Prezzee” to access your gift card.
  4. Create an account or Log in to your Prezzee account.
  5. You can use your card now or save it for later in your Prezzee Wallet!
  6. To use your card, click “Reveal card details” on the gift card.
Bunnings Warehouse Gift Cards can ONLY be used in-store
  8. You can use the gift card In-Store, using the barcode or enter the Card number and Pin
  9. You’re all
set! Thanks for using
Prezzee at Bunnings Warehouse.

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