How To Place A Single or Bulk Order On Prezzee Business

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What are the ways to place an order on Prezzee Business?

We offer two simple and easy ways to order gift cards, select 'Buy & Send' to go through an interactive tool or choose upload CSV to send different gifts in one BULK order via 'Upload CSV'.


Can I send multiple e-Gift cards in the one order?

You can send multiple eGift cards via Prezzee Business and you will issued a single invoice for the order.


How do I send multiple types of gift cards with different amounts?

Place your order via Bulk Delivery via CSV and follow the steps provided - tutorial below.


What if I do not want to share email addresses but want to source gift cards in BULK for self delivery?

Speak to your account manager or email and the team can enable a feature that will allow you to source eGift card links in BULK.


Can I see how my email looks before sending?

Yes! You can see a preview of your email including the gift card and gift message before checkout.


What is the word limit on the gift message?

The gift message can be up to 1000 characters.



Buy & Send

Send a bulk order to recipients with the same gift message, the same eGift card type and the same (or different) values through the Buy and Send option in the Prezzee Business Dashboard. Buy & Send still allows you to upload a list of recipients - but in a simplified order.  


Upload CSV 

Send a bulk order to recipients with different messaging, different card types, different values, different greeting card (email theme) and a different sender profile. This is a detailed way of placing a bulk order.

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